Study Management - Inside C@MPUS
The „Inside C@MPUS“ video shows you how
- to register for exams via C@MPUS
- to find your study certificates
- and where to find your tution fee
- and where you find your exam results
Welcome to our "Inside C@MPUS" video.
In the last video, we introduced you to C@MPUS at the beginning of your studies, and we showed you how to register for a course.
Now let's move to the middle and end of your first semester when you'll face new challenges.
In this video we will address the following challenges: How to register for exams, how to find your certificates, where to find your tuition fee and how to track and monitor your studies.
So, let's get started!
We have reached the central exam registration phase, and it's time to register for an exam.
Each semester, an exam registration period is released for students to register their exams for the next non-lecture period.
The exam registration period is the same for all students, study programs and courses.
The easiest and recommended way is to register for the exam via the “My Study Program” app.
There are two ways to register an exam: Via the Curriculum, or the semester plan.
The recommended way is to register the exam through the Curriculum.
That way the exam can be assigned correctly, and you avoid errors.For this path, you must open up the Curriculum tab in the upper bar.
Down below, you will see the branches of your curriculum that contain your modules.
Each branch is equipped with a plus symbol to unfold the branch.
To register for an exam, click on the appropriate branch that contains the module you want to register for.
Then click on the desired module's name.
You will see how the tree structure of your curriculum opens up with each click from a branch to a module leaf.
The red top "P" node of a module represents the exam node.
Click on the exam name next to the "P," and a list with one or more exams will appear.
Only the exams with the green arrow can be registered for.
Please note that there could be multiple exams in some modules that you will need to register for individually.
Now, click on the green arrow to start the registration process for the specific exam.
A new tab will open up to show you a list of exams with that name.
If you see multiple exams, be careful to select the correct one.
Click the button “Go to exam registration,” which leads to a page with more exam information.
The last step of the registration is to click the register button, and you're done!
If you want to register your exams via your semester plan, open the plan in the upper bar next to the curriculum.
Your modules will be organized by semester.
To find your desired module, click on your current semester, and you will receive a list of all modules recommended for that semester.
As before, click on the module you want to register for and then on the red top "P" node.
If you see more than one exam, repeat this process for each exam in that module if it applies to you. Now, select the exam you want to register for and click on the green arrow.
From a list of exam names, select your exam and click on "Go to exam registration."
Double check the exam name and examiner to confirm you are registering for the correct exam, and click "Register".
To repeat, each exam must be registered for individually!
Now, you have registered for your first exam.
Find your registered exam and its date in the "My Examination Dates" app.
You can also de-register your exam via this app.
It is very important that you can cancel course-related exams only during the exam registration period.
Please note that during the exam registration phase, you must register for all exams you would like to or must be examined in the upcoming exam phase.
Exams that you want to register before or, very importantly, after that will not and cannot be accepted. As soon as the exam registration period starts, you will receive an e-mail from the Examination Office with a request to register for the exams.
Pay attention to this and don't miss the deadlines!
Now, we want to find your enrollment certificate and the transcript of records.
For this purpose, C@MPUS has its own application called "My Certificate and Transcripts".
This app lists all documents and certificates that are relevant for you.
Here, you can find your progress of studies, your certificate of enrolment and also your transcript of records, which lists your achievements, but also importantly, your registered exams.
Just take a look for yourself.
The next item we'll look at is how to find tuition fees.
For this task, C@MPUS has an app called "My Fees and Payments".
The app contains a table with the personal semester contribution status and an enumeration of the payment purpose.
There is also the total sum to be paid, a payment deadline, and the payment instructions, including the bank transfer data.
After the first exam and the grading phases, everyone is eager to see their exam results.
For this purpose, C@MPUS offers an app called “My Achievements” to present an overview of your performance.
In this app, there is a list of all achievements, grades and also exam details.
Finally, it is highly recommended to check and use the C@MPUS documentation.
The documentation contains a neat description of all important features in C@MPUS.
Okay–let's summarize:
We’ve learned that C@MPUS is the main system for the administration of our studies.
C@mpus helps us register for courses and exams, takes care of general administrative tasks and provides all relevant certificates.
Finally, we’ve finished the checklist and registered for the first exam!
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