Study Management - ILIAS Overview



The „ILIAS Overview“ video shows you

  • what ILIAS is and why you need ILIAS

  • how to log in

  • how to find your courses 

  • how to use the relevant features and functions

Welcome to the "ILIAS Overview" video of our "Study Management" series.

In the last video, we introduced C@MPUS as our university's study management system.
In this video, we take a look at ILIAS--our university's Learning Management System.

The e-learning platform, ILIAS, is crucial as it grants you access to the course material of your registered courses.
In a small tour through ILIAS, this video will show you:
How to log in, how to find your courses on your dashboard and how to use relevant features and functions of ILIAS.
So, let's get started!

ILIAS can be accessed via

What you see is the entry page or the so-called "Repository".
The repository stores and manages all ILIAS offers for learners and teachers.
But in general, it is not possible to access your courses from the outside.
In order to see the content of your registered courses, you need to log in via the login page.
Your login data consists of your student ID, an "st" with a sequence of numbers, and your password.

What you see is your personal ILIAS homepage, the Dashboard.
The Dashboard collects all your registered courses and groups from C@MPUS and ILIAS over time.
If you register for a course via C@MPUS, you've automatically been registered in ILIAS, and your course appears on your dashboard.
Note that this can take up to 24 hours to see and does not register you for the exam.
An exam registration can only be made via C@MPUS.
Before we go into more detail about the course and content, let's take a look at the rest of ILIAS.

The upper bar contains different icons to access your internal ILIAS mailbox, to search for a specific course, or to set up your profile.
On the right column of your dashboard, you can find further applications.
A list of tasks, a calendar, news from your registered courses, or the latest inbox mails.
On the left side of your dashboard is the navigation bar.
The top Dashboard button always takes you back to the homepage, your Dashboard.
But over time, your dashboard can become cluttery and confusing by a mix of current and previous courses.
To organize your board, you can use the Favourites section below, collecting only courses that you assigned and added as a "favourite."
This can be done and also undone by the action bar next to the course names.
An extra communication section groups mainly the ILIAS internal Mailbox and the access to the uni web mail.
With the ILIAS internal Mailbox, you can send messages to ILIAS members.
With the uni web mail, you can access your actual student email account where you get all official mails.
It is recommended to use your student email account for the primary contact, since it is not guaranteed that the ILIAS mails will be read.

Moving on to the Repository.
The Repository is a catalogue containing all courses organized by the different fields and studies.
This can be useful when we are looking for a specific course.
In general, all course contents are blocked if you are not registered for them.
An interesting section for you is the "Leben, Lernen und Vernetzen" segment in the center.
This sector provides a job exchange or info for new students.
Try and click; you may find more interesting stuff!

Finally, let’s shortly take a look at the Support and Consulting tab.
There, you can find information on how to work or solve problems with ILIAS.
For example, you can create virtual learning groups to learn or work together on a problem.

In summary, ILIAS is your Learning Management System for studying at the University of Stuttgart.
ILIAS focuses on your study management, such as teaching, learning, and managing your individual course content.
Even if you have any problems or something doesn't work, the ILIAS Support will help you.
This learning system complements C@MPUS which deals with the organization and management of your modules, courses and exams.

Have you discovered ILIAS yet?