Study Management - Inside ILIAS


The „Inside ILIAS“ video shows you

  • how to access your course documents

  • a sample course with typical objects and learning activities

Welcome to the final video of our "Study Management" video series.

In previous videos, we got to know ILIAS as our Learning Management System, its basic organization and functions, and we registered for a course.
But how does a course look like from the inside?

Today's video will explore this question and show you:
An introduction to ILIAS courses and a sample course with typical objects and learning activities.
So, let's get started!

In general, an ILIAS course is an individually designed space for the course and all related materials.
This includes course content such as lecture slides, exercise sheets, videos, and other materials needed for the course.
An ILIAS course can also contain further objects for the purpose of learning, organization, communication, and collaboration.
Note the way your ILIAS course is structured depends on the people in charge.
Therefore, familiarize yourself with each course you registered for.

In C@MPUS you can register for two courses: one lecture course and one tutorial course.
Both courses will be displayed on your dashboard within 24 hours .
For organizational reasons, some lecturers may put all the course content, including the tutorial content, into the lecture course.
Therefore, check your courses, but don't be surprised to find the tutorial ILIAS course empty.
It just means everything is in the lecture course.
If you don't see anything in the lecture course, it could mean the lecturer hasn't made the content available yet.

Now let's dive into the course.
The upper headline contains the course name and additional course information.
Below, the course content is structured by item groups.
In this example, there is a communication section, a summary for the lecture materials, the tutorials, and a test section.
The course communication section includes a general forum, often used to clarify questions, engage in discussions and make course announcements.
Let's see if there are already posts in the forum.

"Hello, everyone. Please sign up for one of the groups, don't miss the deadline for the first exercise sheet, and take the first quiz. Professor"

Fortunately, we looked at the forum in time, but we almost missed the announcement.

How do we keep track and get all course updates so we don't miss anything in the future?
ILIAS offers a notification feature activated by using the action button.
If the notification is enabled, the bell icon is displayed in orange.
So, turn it on and let's go through the tasks.

How do we find and join a group in ILIAS?
A group is indicated by a three-person icon to organize collaboration among fellow students.
In the sample course, all available groups are listed within the "Tutorials" section.
To join one of the groups, either click on the blue button on the right side or on the group name and select "join."
Sometimes, groups are restricted by number of participants or deadlines, as in this example.
After this date, it is not possible to join anymore.

Now, we have to determine the submission deadline for the first exercise.

An exercise is labeled with this icon.
This object allows uploading homework assignments and obtaining feedback from the lecturer or tutor.
In this case, each exercise allows only one uploaded submission.
The specific deadlines are displayed below the exercise name.

How do you take a test in ILIAS?
An ILIAS test is an interactive way to prove your knowledge.
There are different forms of questions that you can expect.
To start a test, open and click "Start the Test."
As shown, an ordering test requires you to put the letters in the right sequence.
To see the test results, answer all the questions and click on "Finish the Test."
Within the result overview, you can now view the detailed results.

In summary, ILIAS offers individually designed courses that include all necessary materials and learning activities set up by your lecturer.
ILIAS courses can be organized by grouping objects according to topics.

Communication takes place fo example via discussion forums, while groups are used for tutorials and collaborative work.
In order to assess your homework by your tutor, you must upload your solution to the appropriate directory by the specific deadline.
Finally, tests can be used to independently check your learning progress.

Remember, that your courses may include not only the presented objects, but also other objects for your optimal learning experience.

Now, feel free to explore your courses.