Design Factory (DF): Design Thinking – Innovation Process in Practice

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Wichtige Informationen
Learning outcomes:

- Knowledge:
Identify and describe creativity and innovation tools to address complex problems.
Identify and understand the different phases in product development.
Describe and associate different types of prototyping methods to explore new ideas in relation the same or different problems.
Understand the challenges and opportunities in relation to interdisciplinary teamwork in the context of creativity & innovation.

- Skills:
Unpack and explore challenges using a variety of research methods.
Apply creativity methods and prototyping tools to advance on new product and solution opportunities.
Assess the fit of a new product as a response to a problem and in relation to a potential market.
Engage with a diversity of stakeholders during the development of an interdisciplinary project.
Apply project management tools that support interdisciplinary team skills.

- Competences:
Ability to identify and implement suitable design-thinking tools to engage with team members and external stakeholders to co-create new solutions to problems.
Articulate and implement a work plan to move from a design problem to a potential solution.
Deliver persuasive presentations of new ideas or concepts that combine interdisciplinary components and that are evidence-based.

1) Regular Presentations (updates):
Each student group is asked to deliver regular presentations about their progress on various aspects of their project, and exchanges with the industry partners.

2) Final Presentation: Gala
Details on the presentation and pitch of the final projects will be shared during the course directly with the class participants

3) Individual assessment: a personal reflection report. Points to cover: What did you learn/was new/different for you? What was difficult? Would you recommend the course and why? (max 3 pages).
This is the critical assignment to pass/fail the course - check the submission deadline.

The course is delivered by the Design Factory team at ARENA2036 and the University of Stuttgart - with the Institutes IAT.
This includes staff from ARENA2036 and University of Stuttgart:
ARENA 2036: Scarlett Spiegeler Castañeda*, David Reichert, David Franjicevic, Clemens Ackermann
IAT Uni Stuttgart: Janna Bauknecht; Ivy Kabura Nganga
Magdalena Weinle (Hochschule der Medien); Agatha Maisch (Universität Hohenheim)
*Scarlett is the leader of the Design Factory initiative at ARENA2036, you can reach her and the rest of the ARENA2036 team at
For academic questions on the course structure or other academic-related issues, please reach:

We also have the support from our colleagues at the Design Factory Melbourne (Swinburne University of Technology


All rights reserved


Frau Janna Bauknecht


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