UNECE The Energy Efficiency Barometer of Industry - English - Ukraine

Data Collection 2020/21 - International (English) - Ukraine


How important is energy productivity and decarbonisation for your business?
What do you do to improve? And if not, why? What can be helpful for you?


This survey gathers key information about

  • energy use,
  • improving energy productivity,
  • reducing carbon intensity

to find out across the industrial sectors

  • the priorities and
  • the current state of energy productivity and decarbonisation

within the companies.

The answers are anonymous, and the results of the data collection will be aggregated data.



Participants will find out

  • how important energy productivity and decarbonisation are to others in their own sector and across other sectors,
  • which strategies are being pursued and where their company stands compared to others

and can use this opportunity to express their situation to the policy makers.



The first page of this survey only takes 1 minute and is suitable for all participants. The following pages of questions are for advanced companies and takes just 10 minutes to complete.

To get back to the previous page of the survey, please use the "back" button on the left side and do not use the browser-button.

To start, please click on the "Start Survey" button on the top right.


Thank you for your participation.


More information:

The evidence gained will inform the work of the UNECE Task Force on Industrial Energy Efficiency.

This survey is conducted as a part of a study for the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) Task Force on Industrial Energy Efficiency and in response to a request received by the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine to identify potentials for improving industrial energy efficiency and decarbonisation in Ukraine.

It is an adaptation of the Energy Efficiency Barometer of Industry for this context, developed by the Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production (EEP) at the University of Stuttgart/Germany for gathering data evidence of manufacturing companies’ positions on energy productivity through a short survey.

The questionnaire does not capture any personal data or your IP address. Please find further information on data protection below.

If you have any questions please contact barometer@eep.uni-stuttgart.de or +49 (711) 970-1156.

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