English Newsletter - September 2015 - Coping with Commas Exercise

Coping with Commas (1/2)

Find the ten mistakes involving commas (either omission or misuse) in the following paragraph.

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing on behalf of the University of Stuttgart with regard to our latest furniture order totalling €20.000 a copy of which you will find attached. Although we have been satisfied with our orders in the past we believe, that this latest shipment is not up to the standard, which we expect. Frankly I am not sure, why this time there have been so many erroneous orders, defects, missing parts etc.

I would greatly appreciate if, if you could look into this matter right away. I would also be available, to discuss to this matter by phone this week.

Yours faithfully

John Nixon

On the next page, you will find an extensive solution

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