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Modeling of Two-Phase Flows
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Modeling of Two-Phase Flows
1 Introduction
Cover Sheet - Part I
Two-Phase Flows, Examples
Classification of Two-Phase Flows
Dynamics of Heavy Particles, Stokes Number
Bubble Dynamics
Turbulence in Two-Phase Flows
2 The Euler-Lagrange Model of Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFD)
Eulerian and Lagrangian Description of Fluid Mechanics
Euler-Lagrange Simulation
The Navier-Stokes Equations
Example: Potential Flow around a Cylinder
Computation of Particle-Laden Flow, Examples
Lagrangian Turbulence Modeling
Rayleigh-Plesset Cavitation Model
3 Two-Fluid CFD Model for Adiabatic Two-Phase Flows (Gas-Liquid)
Example: Numerical Simulation of a Bubble Plume
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations
Derivation of the Two-Fluid Equations
Example: Bubbly Pipe Flow: Experimental Observations
Numerical Simulation of Bubbly Pipe Flows
Extended Continuum Models
4 Single- and Two-Phase Flow Eulerian Turbulence Modeling
Single-Phase K-ε Turbulence Model
Algebraic Two-Phase Turbulence Models
Two-Phase Turbulence-Transport Models
5 Stratified Flows
Cocurrent Pipe and Channel Flows
Countercurrent-Flow Experiments
Wavy-Surface CFD Model
6 Direct Numerical Simulation
Volume-of-Fluid Method
Example: Virtual-Mass Force
7 Two-Fluid CFD Model for Flow with Heat and Mass Transfer
Cover Sheet - Part II
Boiling, Cavitation and Condensation of Water, Examples
Direct-Contact Heat and Mass Transfer
Example: CFD Model of Sub-Cooled Boiling
Conversion Between Microscopic and Macroscopic Modeling
Example: Thermal Cavitation in Gravity-Driven Pipe Flow
Example: Unsteady Pool Boiling
Wall-Boiling Model
8 CFD of Dewing and Evaporation
Volume Condensation in Thermal Equilibrium
Two-Fluid Model for a Mixture of Water Vapor and Air
Example: Condensation Plume above a Cooling Tower
Two-Layer Theory of Turbulent Heat/Mass Transfer
Wall-Condensation Model
Example: Steam Condensation in a Large Containment
9 Flow and Heat Transfer at Super-Critical Pressure
Technical Application of Supercritical Water
Technical Application of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Experiments of Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water Pipe Flows
Example: Heat transfer for sCO2 cooling in a 2 mm tube
Empirical Heat Transfer Correlations
Direct Numerical Simulation of Heated Pipe Flow
DNS Database for supercritical Pipe Flow
Turbulence Model for Supercritical Pressure
Skripte und Lernmodule
Modeling of Two-Phase Flows
Modeling of Two-Phase Flows
Cover Sheet - Part I
1 Introduction
» Cover Sheet - Part I
Two-Phase Flows, Examples
Classification of Two-Phase Flows
Dynamics of Heavy Particles, Stokes Number
Bubble Dynamics
Turbulence in Two-Phase Flows
2 The Euler-Lagrange Model of Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFD)
Eulerian and Lagrangian Description of Fluid Mechanics
Euler-Lagrange Simulation
The Navier-Stokes Equations
Example: Potential Flow around a Cylinder
Computation of Particle-Laden Flow, Examples
Lagrangian Turbulence Modeling
Rayleigh-Plesset Cavitation Model
3 Two-Fluid CFD Model for Adiabatic Two-Phase Flows (Gas-Liquid)
Example: Numerical Simulation of a Bubble Plume
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations
Derivation of the Two-Fluid Equations
Example: Bubbly Pipe Flow: Experimental Observations
Numerical Simulation of Bubbly Pipe Flows
Extended Continuum Models
4 Single- and Two-Phase Flow Eulerian Turbulence Modeling
Single-Phase K-ε Turbulence Model
Algebraic Two-Phase Turbulence Models
Two-Phase Turbulence-Transport Models
5 Stratified Flows
Cocurrent Pipe and Channel Flows
Countercurrent-Flow Experiments
Wavy-Surface CFD Model
6 Direct Numerical Simulation
Volume-of-Fluid Method
Example: Virtual-Mass Force
7 Two-Fluid CFD Model for Flow with Heat and Mass Transfer
Cover Sheet - Part II
Boiling, Cavitation and Condensation of Water, Examples
Direct-Contact Heat and Mass Transfer
Example: CFD Model of Sub-Cooled Boiling
Conversion Between Microscopic and Macroscopic Modeling
Example: Thermal Cavitation in Gravity-Driven Pipe Flow
Example: Unsteady Pool Boiling
Wall-Boiling Model
8 CFD of Dewing and Evaporation
Volume Condensation in Thermal Equilibrium
Two-Fluid Model for a Mixture of Water Vapor and Air
Example: Condensation Plume above a Cooling Tower
Two-Layer Theory of Turbulent Heat/Mass Transfer
Wall-Condensation Model
Example: Steam Condensation in a Large Containment
9 Flow and Heat Transfer at Super-Critical Pressure
Technical Application of Supercritical Water
Technical Application of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Experiments of Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water Pipe Flows
Example: Heat transfer for sCO2 cooling in a 2 mm tube
Empirical Heat Transfer Correlations
Direct Numerical Simulation of Heated Pipe Flow
DNS Database for supercritical Pipe Flow
Turbulence Model for Supercritical Pressure
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Cover Sheet - Part I