Creating a course plan
In this video, we show you how you can create your weekly schedule on C@MPUS and how it may be importated into your own calendar.
Other videos that were mentioned: Sign up for courses
Any questions? Do hesitate to ask the C@MPUS support.
Hello and welcome to a short tutorial.
We showed you in another video how to sign up for your courses. In this video, we show you how to create a timetable with all registered courses and how it can be integrated into your private calendar.
Each course you have signed up for will be automatically transferred into your Campus calendar.
In order to see your calendar, click on "Meine Termine".
On the left side above the calendar, a drop-down menu can be opened through clicking on "Woche". There, you can change the display format of your calendar.
You may choose between several calendar formats and a timetable format.
In order to add your own appointments, click on "+ Neuer persönlicher Kalender" on the left above the calendar.
You can create a weblink in order to import the calendar into your private calendar application and thus to obtain current information about your courses.
To do so, click on "Veröffentlichen" and then on "Neue Adresse generieren". Then, copy the generated link.
The calendar is now available in ical format and can be integrated into virtually any calendar application.
We show you how to do this through the calendar that is connected with your st address.
Go to and log in with your st address.
Click on the grid icon in the upper left corner and select "Kalender".
Click on "Kalender hinzufügen" and select "Aus dem Internet".
Paste the link you copied earlier and give the calendar a name, for example "timetable". Click on "Speichern" and you are done!
In case of any questions and problems, you can find our support addresses and links to further videos in the video description.